Never Do These Things If You Want Secure Software

Dmitry Ch
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Ensuring software security is a complex task that requires diligence, best practices, and an awareness of common pitfalls. While many guides focus on what to do, it’s equally important to understand what not to do. Here are key practices to avoid if you want to maintain secure software.

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1. Ignoring Security During Development

Mistake: Treating security as an afterthought.

Explanation: Security should be integrated into every phase of the software development lifecycle. Neglecting security during the initial stages makes it harder and more costly to address vulnerabilities later. Implement secure coding practices, perform regular code reviews, and conduct security testing from the outset.

2. Using Hard-Coded Credentials

Mistake: Embedding passwords, API keys, and other credentials directly in the code.

Explanation: Hard-coded credentials are easily exposed and can be a significant security risk. Use environment variables or secret management tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager to store and manage sensitive information securely.

3. Failing to Validate User Input

Mistake: Not properly validating and sanitizing user input.

Explanation: User input is a common attack vector for exploits like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Always validate and sanitize input on both the client and server sides. Use parameterized queries and prepared statements to protect against SQL injection.

4. Neglecting Regular Updates and Patches

Mistake: Failing to keep software and dependencies up to date.

Explanation: Outdated software can have known vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Regularly update your software and third-party libraries to the latest versions and apply security patches promptly. Automate this process wherever possible to reduce the risk of human error.

5. Overlooking Least Privilege Principle

Mistake: Granting excessive permissions to users and services.

Explanation: The principle of least privilege ensures that users and services have only the permissions they need to perform their tasks. Over-permissioning increases the potential damage from a compromised account. Regularly audit permissions and enforce strict access controls.

6. Disabling Security Features

Mistake: Turning off security features for convenience.

Explanation: Security features like firewalls, encryption, and authentication mechanisms are there for a reason. Disabling them, even temporarily, can expose your software to attacks. Always use recommended security settings and avoid shortcuts that compromise security.

7. Neglecting Logging and Monitoring

Mistake: Not implementing comprehensive logging and monitoring.

Explanation: Without proper logging and monitoring, detecting and responding to security incidents is challenging. Implement centralized logging and real-time monitoring to track and analyze security events. Use tools like SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) to gain insights and respond to threats promptly.

8. Skipping Security Training

Mistake: Not providing security training for developers and staff.

Explanation: Security awareness is crucial for preventing human errors that lead to vulnerabilities. Regularly train developers on secure coding practices and keep all staff informed about the latest security threats and best practices.

9. Ignoring Secure Configuration

Mistake: Deploying software with default or insecure configurations.

Explanation: Default configurations are often not secure and can be exploited. Always configure software securely before deployment, disable unnecessary features, and apply recommended security settings. Use configuration management tools to enforce consistent security settings across environments.

10. Lack of Incident Response Planning

Mistake: Not having a plan for responding to security incidents.

Explanation: Security incidents are inevitable, and having a robust incident response plan is essential. Develop and regularly update your incident response plan, conduct drills, and ensure all team members know their roles during an incident. A well-prepared team can quickly mitigate the impact of security breaches.


Security is an ongoing process that requires attention to detail and a proactive approach. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can significantly enhance the security of your software. Remember, the key to secure software is not just in implementing best practices but also in being aware of and avoiding common pitfalls that compromise security. Stay vigilant, continuously improve your security posture, and foster a culture of security within your organization.

